Resistance Bands
Ankle mobility 1 set of 10- plantar flexion (pointing your toe), inversion (moving foot inward) and eversion (moving foot outward) with resistance band anchored or held.
Banded SIde Lunge into knee drive 2 sets of 10- band anchored, and around hip, lunge away from anchor point.
Banded Forward lunge- 2 sets of 10- band anchored, and attached around the forward moving leg just below knee pulling knee outward- goal being to hold knee in neutral position and not allowing it to go out while lunging forward.
Band pulls- 2 sets of 10 - stand shoulder width on long band, and pull with both arms up to chin.
Arm raises 2 sets of 10 -use a small looped band held by thumbs, press arms out just wider than hip width and rise above your head and back down.
Adduction and abduction- 2 sets of 10 each direction, band ancored, and around ankle.
Shoulder cross pull 1 set of 10 each side- same position as bird dog with band anchored reach across and pull band across chest to opposite shoulder.