Spellman Coaching
Coaching Services
$125.00 monthly
Daily Training plan to help you reach your running and fitness goals.
Core and strength training designed for injury prevention, strength and running economy.
Form drills and information on specific injury prevention for your needs.
Unlimited email and text with Becki.
Calls/Zoom/Facetime as needed.
Please email for more details, questions or to get started beckispellman@gmail.com

About Spellman Coaching
Becki Spellman
Coaching all levels of the sport
HiI! I am Becki Spellman, I have have been coaching since 2006. I have coached all levels, from those taking their first run, to High School, College, and Elite level athletes. I love helping people of all abilities see the potential in themselves, I see in them. Getting to be a small part of people's journey and watching them achieve their goals is a passion of mine.

Athlete and Coach
Becki Spellman
I have been competing for over 28 years, running and people are my passion!
Half Marathon- 1:14:55
4x Olympic Trials Qualifier in the Marathon 2008, 2012, 2016, 2020.
2x Akron Marathon Champion 2011 and 2016.
Akron Marathon 1/2 Marathon Champion 2018, and 2021.
2022 Detroit Marathon runner up.
2021 Detroit 1/2 Marathon 3rd place.
2018 Eugene Marathon runner up.
2018 Richmond 1/2 Marathon runner up.
2015 Columbus Marathon 4th place.